Retract Release | CLASS I RECALL |
Congressional ?nd Public Contact
Adam Tarr?
(202) 720-9113
WASHINGTON, Feb. 3, 2012 ? F&S Produce Company Inc., a Deerfield, N.J. establishment, ?? recalling approximately 389 pounds ?f Cobb ?nd spinach salads. Th? salads contain eggs th?t ?r? th? subject ?f a Food ?nd Drug Administration (FDA) retract due t? concerns ?b??t contamination w?th Listeria monocytogenes, th? U.S. Department ?f Agriculture?s Food Safety ?nd Inspection Benefit (FSIS) announced today.
Th? following products ?r? subject t? retract: [View M?rk?]
- 10-oz. plastic containers ?f ?Fresh Backyard Highway Spinach Salad w?th Bacon?
- 10.75-oz plastic containers ?f ?Fresh Backyard Highway Cobb Salad?
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Th? products subject t? retract h??? a ?Sell B?? date through 2/8/2012, ?nd bear th? establishment digit ?Est. 39897? ?? well ?? th? USDA m?rk ?f inspection Th? products w?r? distributed t? a warehouse ?n Pennsylvania f?r further distribution t? retail locations.
Th? problem w?? exposed wh?n F&S Produce Company Inc.w?? t?ld b? one ?f ?t? suppliers th?t hard-cooked eggs (a product inspected b? th? FDA) h?d tested positive f?r Listeria monocytogenes, ?nd ?r? being recalled b? Michael Foods Egg Products Co. Th? salads contain th? recalled eggs ?nd ?r? th? subject ?f th?? FSIS retract. FSIS, FDA, ?nd th? company h??? received n? reports ?f illnesses associated w?th consumption ?f th??? products.
FSIS routinely conducts retract effectiveness checks t? verify th?t recalling firms ??? th??r customers ?f th? retract ?nd th?t steps ?r? taken t? m?k? ??rt??n th?t th? product ?? n? longer available t? consumers. Wh?n available, th? retail distribution list(s) w?ll b? posted ?n th? FSIS website ?t:?
Consumption ?f food impure w?th Listeria monocytogenes ??n cause listeriosis, ?n uncommon b?t potentially fatal disease. Healthy people rarely narrow listeriosis. B?t, listeriosis ??n cause high fever, severe headache, neck stiffness ?nd nausea. Listeriosis ??n ?l?? cause miscarriages ?nd stillbirths, ?? well ?? serious ?nd sometimes fatal infections ?n those w?th weakened immune systems, such ?? infants, th? elderly ?nd persons w?th HIV infection ?r undergoing chemotherapy. Individuals concerned ?b??t ?n illness m??t contact a health care provider.
Media ?nd Consumers w?th q???t??n? ?b??t th? retract m??t contact Douglas Nicoll, Ph.D, Director ?f Technical Services, ?t 800-886-3316 ext. 217.
Consumers w?th food safety q???t??n? ??n ?Q???t??n Karen,? th? FSIS virtual representative available 24 hours a day ?t ?Q???t??n Karen? live chat services ?r? available Monday through Friday fr?m 10 a.m. t? 4 p.m. ET. Th? toll-free USDA Meat ?nd Poultry Hotline 1-888-MPHotline (1-888-674-6854) ?? available ?n English ?nd Spanish ?nd ??n b? reached fr?m 10 a.m. t? 4 p.m. ET Monday through Friday. Recorded food safety messages ?r? available 24 hours a day.
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